SUNDAY SCHOOL is available at First Reformed Church. Children join in the sanctuary for opening, then gather with their class for a new season of learning about God and how to live for Him! All children are welcome to attend! Come join the fun! Classes are available for 3 years old through high school. “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine!”
There is a FELLOWSHIP HOUR in the basement after church. Join a table and meet someone new! Volunteers provide the coffee and cookies.
Support is ongoing for the local FOOD PANTRY in Buffalo Center. The Food Pantry is open every Monday from 2-5 PM and staffed by volunteers. With all your donations we are helping the hurting, the hopeless and the hungry! Generally 22-30 families are served. Food and paper product donations can be left at the church or delivered to the Food Pantry on Main Street in Buffalo Center.
Join the Reformed Church WOMEN as they work all year long to serve God and others! First Reformed is our church home and we are happy to help out whenever we can! Serve alongside of us and join either the Esther or Sarah Circle and become a part! You are welcome!
The October project for the First Reformed Church WOMEN'S Circles is an offering for Exceptional Opportunities in Burt, Iowa and for Krysilis in Forest City, Iowa. Others who would like to donate can give their donations to the RCWM Treasurer at First Reformed.
In November the RCWM Circles will be collecting an offering for ANGEL TREE. Angel Tree, a program of Prison Fellowship, reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ. This unique program gives our church an opportunity to share Christ’s love by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners.
Anyone that would like to be involved with OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD can donate items, empty shoe boxes or money to the church. There is a container marked OCC available to put items in. We will be filling shoeboxes on November 16th and then delivering them to an OCC distribution site. Items needed must all fit in a shoe box: toys, dolls, stuffed animals, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, washcloths, combs, school supplies, new clothing, etc. Every box will be different, so you can be creative in what you want to donate. We will also be collecting money for shipment costs. Boxes are shipped to children ages 2-14 in over 100 countries around the world.
The local North Iowa Ministerial Association, North Iowa Schools and your local banks, along with numerous individuals and organization are working jointly to coordinate this year’s annual GIVING TREE program. Feel the true meaning of Christmas in your heart this year by going to your local bank or the post office and selecting an ornament with a gift request from the Giving Tree, purchasing the clothing or toy item on the tag and returning the wrapped gift to the bank with the tag taped on it, by mid December. We all face challenges in life and we can all work together to ease the financial stress some families face at holiday time.
The church is also collecting items to make hygiene kits, donated by First Reformed Church, to the community GIVING TREE. Please bring bath towels, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. to the church by mid December . The Giving Tree is in its 16th year of providing support for local families during the Christmas Season.
After harvest, the MEN'S BREAKFAST will resume. Continue to check the bulletin for future breakfast dates and times.
CHANCEL CHOIR Season has just begun. Join us at 11:00 AM in the sanctuary. All voices are needed and welcome. Join us for a lot of fun and music that will be part of our worship services on Sunday mornings.